Advancing Inclusion: Empowering Higher Education through Digital Technology and Collaborative Research Efforts

On October 24, there were no mobilisations scheduled with any associations in or around Cartagena. Hence, we utilised our time in working on the various aspects of Work Package 1 (WP1), based on the teams formed for the same. All the tasks—T1.1, T1.2, T1.3, and T1.4—were addressed, and research articles were analysed, referenced, and utilised for creating chapters for the work package.

The teams for the tasks have been defined as follows:

  • 1 is led by CVMU and assisted by DYPCET and SU.
  • 2 is led by GUNI and assisted by DYPCET and SU.
  • 3 is led by SU and assisted by DYPCET and GUNI.
  • 4 is led by CVMU and assisted by SU and DYPCET.

During the day, Ms. Paqui Rosique came in to share with us her digital technology interventions utilising virtual reality devices and the creation of various assistive applications that are inclusive in nature and offer opportunities for both education and actual remote handling, processing, and applications. The team had the opportunity to experience this system and was aided by Ms. Paqui, Mr. Rafael Hernández Arnaiz, and Mr. Salva.

It was an eventful day with a number of discussions on the research project’s goals and how each work package can help achieve a level of inclusive and equitable parity in Indian higher education systems. Tomorrow, we have a session scheduled at 10:00 am with Mr. Joaquín Francisco Roca González in the working room at ELDI, where we shall have a discussion regarding assistive technology.