Enhancing Work Package 1 Deliverables for Project InEq-SL

On November 11, we worked on Work Package 1 Tasks 1.1 through 1.4. The discussion focused on the initial drafts created for each task: T1.1 by CVMU, T1.2 by GUNI, T1.3 by SU, and T1.4 by CVMU.

This discussion paved the way for identifying specific points of significance that could enhance the final reports to be produced for each of the tasks, which would eventually lead to the preparation of much better deliverables for each of the specified milestones of the project.

It was also important to deliberate upon these drafts, as Work Package 1 is one of the most important work packages of the project, given that it has the potential to set the pace for all the following work packages, deliverables, and the final report of Project InEq-SL.